This illustration--or collection of illustrations--was commissioned by Kentucky for Kentucky. I was inspired by a vintage floral illustration of fairly uniform lines and gauzy watercolor fill.

This print and tee design was created for 15th State Apparel.

This design was created for a client who wanted to showcase Versailles, Kentucky.

This piece started out as client work. When the project fell through, I reworked the illustration to be a tribute to the gorgeous orchards of Kentucky. We're more than horses and bourbon!

I'm unsure if this cover design for the UK CAFE Lookbook was ever implemented, but I did enjoy its creation.

This 'vintage' postcard was done for fun. I love the contrast of the brick and stone on this haunted behemoth and wanted to create something in homage of how it looked in the early 20th century.

A vintage-inspired Louisville piece for a local art show.

This personal piece was inspired by the amazing signs of years gone by.